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Lots of people have contacted us to ask about setting up a web site, the website design or the possibility of modifying their existing website. Many wish to arrange for us to design a brand new website or move their website to a different web server. Perhaps they have queries concerning either existing domain names or new domain names. We have listed below for you some of the most frequently asked questions in connection with website design – along with answers – appertaining to web design and associated web issue.

If you have a question that is not answered here, or you want to talk to us about any aspect of your website design, setting up or changing your web site, web hosting or website maintenance or domain name registration please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.

How long will it take for my web site to be designed?

The timescale of a website design project is often dictated by the client. If you have a deadline in mind we will endeavour to meet it for you. The most common delay in the creation and completion of a new website is waiting for content (text/images) to be sent to us by the client.

Will we need to have a meeting in connection with the website design?

In the majority of cases a meeting isn’t necessary and most of our websites are generally completed with contact via email and telephone only. We place suggested website designs onto the Internet in a private place where only your selves and us can view the content. We then liaise with you regularly to discuss the web designs in order that the website design and functionality is exactly as you wish.

Do I have to keep my website with you forever, or can I move it to another supplier to host it if I wish?

You may move your website to another web hosting service at any time. Once your website design has been completed, we send you a copy of the website on cd. This copy of your website is for your retention